As I've been writing a bit more, I revisited the static site generation landscape and decided to give Zola a try. My reasons revolved mainly around my frustrations with hugo's templating after a recent attempt to add resized images to another post.

This quote on the zola github spoke to me:

This tool and the template engine it is using were born from an intense dislike of the (insane) Golang template engine and therefore of Hugo that I was using before for 6+ sites.

So far, I've been happier with the templating in zola (backed by the tera templating engine), though it's still far from perfect. As far as performance goes, subjectively zola appears to be at least on par with hugo for local development. The old theme I had customized hasn't been updated in a while, so, until I decide what I want to eventually run with, I've opted to use PaperMod.

The features I depended on in hugo have zola equivalents (including image processing), and, with the exception of zola requiring a few extra markdown files ( and the like), transitioning was mostly effortless, at least as far as local development went. Zola does currently lack the equivalent of hugo new <content>, but I found myself just copy-pasting existing markdown files anyway when making new posts.

CI/CD was a different story, mainly because the official docker image is a "distroless" image (github), and thus unsuitable as an image to execute tasks in on my concourse server. This required me to build a custom image, and, rather than publish the image, I tried out the method for building then using an image in a concourse task. This necessitated having separate steps for the building then committing of the site (because the custom container did not also have git). With those issues resolved the automatic build/deploy of this site is functioning again.

We'll see how long I stick with this tool. I still need to further customize the theme, and I still have to solve the problem of keeping the version of my résumé on this site in sync with my published one.