New Storage Server

I was running out of space on my old NAS, so, instead of doing the sensible thing of just buying larger drives, I decided to buy larger drives and build a new storage server.

2024-04-21 · 11 min · 

Network Upgrades Part 2

Part two of the network upgrades sees some new 10G switches and transitioning most of the core machines to 10G links.

2024-04-20 · 3 min · 

Generating Unofficial Advent of Code Inputs for 2023

Coming up with general solutions for Advent of Code is challenging when you only have access to one input. I've attempted to solve this by generating admissible inputs of my own.

2024-01-21 · 46 min · 

Runtime-oriented Advent of Code 2023

Every year, I aim to complete Advent of Code in the shortest overall runtime while being able to solve any given input. This year I did it in both rust and python. These are some observations/musings.

2024-01-06 · 15 min · 

Network Upgrades

A network overhaul was long overdue, and I've upgraded to a setup that is modular, upgradeable, and more performant than what I had previously.

2023-09-10 · 8 min ·